Never Automatically Pay Your Parking Fines!

Parking Fines

If you’ve ever received a car parking fine in a private car park you know how frustrating this feels and you wish there was something you could do about is. Well there is actually a few things you can do because most of these fines are often unenforceable.

If the ticket is from the police or local council always pay it. But if its from a private company never pay it automatically and always challenge it.

If you were doing any of the following then we recommend that you should immediately pay because these wouldn’t be valid reasons to content a parking fine;

  • I was going to get change.
  • Its on the dashboard with all my other parking tickets.
  • Only one wheel is out of the bay.
  • I only parked on the pavement because there was no other spaces.
  • I thought parking was free on bank holidays.
  • I paid straight after getting the ticket.
  • I parked in a bus stop and not the yellow line

If you have a different reason than the above reasons then you probably got grounds to content the parking fine. So you should always do the following in this situation.

Gather all evidence by immediately take photos, because a photo of your ticket on your windscreen when you’re only 5 minutes late is very unfair. Also take photos of any unclear signs or bay markings plus anything else that might be relevant.

Keep all correspondence from the private company and receipts for example like if your car had broken down and the garage repair bills. Not to mention any contact details of any witnesses.

There is no point arguing with the car parking attendant because it might only get you in more trouble. So simply just leave and then try to explain yourself with all the evidence in writing.

If you feel that you’re getting no where and the fine has risen then seek legal help by using a barrister. You can now go to a barrister direct for legal advice and we at Barristers 4U will provide you with a free no obligation quote to help you with your parking fine.